[Note: This is a cross-post from my
main blog.]
This morning my eyes opened at 5:20 exactly. Ugh. Too early. I shut them again, and they reopened at 6:15. Okay, that's better. I sat up and did devotions with Chambers. Today's verse was Joshua 24:15. Coincidentally, I've been studying Joshua in
Balancing the Sword for the past few weeks.
I got up and got ready for the day. When I walked past the thermostat in the hallway, I noticed it said 75 degrees. It's going to be another hot one today.
For breakfast I had oat bran again. After washing my dishes I went back upstairs, cleaned the bathroom counter, and got on my computer.

When I checked my email, I was delighted to find a message saying
my new Ebook had officially been listed for sale in
The Old Schoolhouse store! That made me happy. :-)
Since the air was warm already, I decided to go out and sit in the garden to work on more of my
Balancing the Sword study. It was so peaceful. I think a cricket is living in our strawberry patch, because I heard him chirping away, as usual.
Around 10 AM I left to go do some errands - to the bank and library. A week or so ago I received my jury duty check in the mail that I needed to deposit. I also had a few library books due. My usual time for going to the library is after lunch, but I figured I'd go in the morning today before it got too hot. Good decision.
When I returned home I had a cold, juicy peach to hold me over till lunch. Then I worked on updating my 2008 reading list. I had gotten behind in recording the books I've read this year, so it's good to be mostly caught up again. One more thing checked off my to-do list.
For lunch I made a big salad with Romaine lettuce, carrots, cucumber, grapes, and raisins. Ack! I just realized I forgot the tomato! My last one from the Farmer's Market is sitting on the kitchen counter. Boo. How disappointing.

This afternoon the girls my sister babysits will be coming over for awhile. It feels like we haven't seen them in so long.
Well, I will leave you with a picture of the corn in our garden. It's time for me to go brave the heat to water!