Thursday, May 29, 2008

Catch Up Pics

On Tuesday this week I had to have one of my wisdom teeth removed rather unexpectedly. Owww. That means I'm still in recovery mode, so I have a lot of catch up posting to do.

Lately I've been surviving on dairy free Jamba Juice smoothies (Mega Mango and Pomegranate Paradise), plain soy yogurt, vanilla soy ice cream, mashed banana, and butternut squash soup. I can barely open my mouth wide enough to fit in my medicine.

This afternoon I made the banana cocoa smoothie recipe in this month's issue of Vegetarian Times that my sweet mom got for me. It was good!

Here are a few pics that I was going to post before this whole incident occurred:

Breakfast on Sunday morning (I think this was from Sunday): banana oatmeal with a little cashew butter. I didn't really like the banana cooked into the oatmeal, but I ate it anyway. Next time I'd rather have it sliced on top.


Lunch on Sunday after church and Sunday school - a quesadilla made with soy cheese, salsa for dipping, and apples on the side.


In between services I had a corn muffin to tide me over. At our church they used to have doughnuts in between the first and second hour, but they don't anymore. Know why? Because some of the parents who had kids on healthy diets complained that it was too hard to say "no" to their kids when other kids DID get to have doughnuts. Um, hello? Be a parent and say no anyway.

Not that I could eat doughnuts, but they cut out food between services altogether. So I bring my own now. And everyone else can just watch me eat and listen to their own stomachs growl. So there.

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